Mon. Dec 23rd, 2024
Learn the right way to control your blood pressure. About 1.5 million people suffer from hypertension or hypertension every year. If they had made only a few changes in their lifestyle and avoided the factors associated with the risk of high blood pressure, they would not have died in this way and their death could have been avoided. We have to make sure that our figure does not reach that much. The pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels to circulate blood is called blood pressure. Most of this pressure comes from the blood that is pumped by the heart. High blood pressure or hypertension is considered dangerous because it makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood out. So when the heart has to struggle to pump blood out, what happens next? Arteries begin to harden, which can lead to stroke and kidney disease; And the risk of heart attack increases manifold. Blood pressure is considered normal when its reading is 120/80 i.e. the upper reading should not exceed 120 and the lower reading should not exceed 80. People whose readings are higher than this, they must consult a doctor to bring blood pressure back to normal. cause: The exact cause of high blood pressure is not known, but we do know about several factors that lead to high blood pressure such as: Chronic kidney disease (heart and kidney diseases are linked) obesity Eating too much salt, and eating too many oily, sugary foods Lack of physical exercise, a sedentary lifestyle stress Consumption of alcohol (abstinence is the best way to avoid all kinds of medical and mental problems) Smoking (this can cause problems not only for smokers but also for the people around them, which is called passive smoking) With age (as the age increases, the heart also gets weaker) Genetic and hereditary factors also cause high blood pressure, such as a family history of high blood pressure What are its symptoms? Headache blurred vision dizzy Chest pain shortness of breath nausea and vomiting Many people want to know whether high blood pressure can be controlled using natural means? Yes, it sure can be done. Even without medicine, by adopting natural methods, blood pressure can be brought back to normal levels. However, it requires a change in lifestyle. By consistently adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy and getting regular exercise, the stress of the body and mind can be reduced which can reduce high blood pressure. Adopt a healthy lifestyle for treatment: Dr. Devi Shetty, President, Narayana Health says that if a young person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, he is advised to make some lifestyle changes. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising or doing yoga, and meditating to reduce stress. Avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking. If the age of the patient is more than 30 years, then they are given to take daily medicine which should not be missed and the rule of taking those medicines should be strictly followed. Dr. Shetty further advises patients: You should always follow your doctor’s advice and advice, especially regarding taking daily medicines. High blood pressure is a lifelong disease, so it is very important that you strictly follow and cooperate with your doctor or their team so that you can continue your treatment successfully and enjoy the benefits of better health. . Once treatment is regular and running smoothly, it should be easier for you to keep your blood pressure at a normal level. Remember that controlling high blood pressure can protect you from risks such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, peripheral artery disease and kidney disease. Therefore, if you want to lead a healthy life, it is wise to listen carefully to your doctor and follow his instructions with discipline. If you want to live a happy life then you have to keep yourself healthy and you can be healthy only when your heart is healthy.